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Command Line Interface


Here is an overview of common oc commands:

oc login <host> -u <user>Login to the DSRI OpenShift cluster in your terminal
oc get projectsList all available projects
oc project <project> Switch to project
oc get pods Get running pods (a pod can run one or multiple containers for your application)
oc rsh <pod_name> <command>Remote terminal connexion to a pod (Shell/Bash)
oc cp <from> <to>Copy files from host to container or vice versa, e.g. from host: oc cp <local dir> <pod>:<pod_dir> or from to host: oc cp <pod>:<pod_dir> <local dir>
oc rsync <from> <to>Similar to rsync command on Linux to synchronize directories between container and host or the other way around
oc exec <pod_id> <folder_path>Execute command in pods
oc delete pod <pod_id>Delete pod


List projects

oc projects

Connect to project

oc project my-project


To update an ImageStream in your project to pull the latest update from the external repository (e.g. from or DockerHub):

oc import-image <imagestream-id>


Create pod from YAML

oc create -f my-pod.yaml

E.g. d2s-pod-virtuoso.yaml.

List pods

oc get pod

List running pods:

oc get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running

Get specific pod

oc get pod | grep <pod_id>

Using selector with Apache Flink as example, and showing only the pod id without header:

oc get pod --selector app=flink --selector component=jobmanager --no-headers

Remote Shell connection

Connect to a pod with Bash.

oc rsh <pod_id>

Execute command in pod

Example creating a folder:

oc exec <pod_id> -- mkdir -p /mnt/workspace/resources

Delete pod

oc delete pod <pod_id>
Force pod deletion

If the pod is not properly deleted, you can force its deletion:

oc delete pod --force --grace-period=0 <pod_id>

Get pod logs

oc logs -f <pod_id>
Debug a pod

Get more details on how to debug a pod.

Create app from template

Create app from template using the CLI and providing parameters as arguments:

oc new-app my-template -p APPLICATION_NAME=my-app -p ADMIN_PASSWORD=mypassword

Example for the Semantic Web course notebooks:

oc new-app template-jupyterstack-notebook -p APPLICATION_NAME=swcourseName -p NOTEBOOK_PASSWORD=PASSWORD

oc delete all --selector template=template-jupyterstack-notebook

Copy files

See the Load data page.