📚 Training
The DSRI offers a range of curated training courses to UM students, researchers and support staff at every career level.
Get started with the DSRI training​
We organize training to cover essential data science skills needed to start using the DSRI. These include get access to the DSRI web UI, create a new data science application, write reproducible code and learn good programming practices. We also offer more advanced training such as GPU Programming, Parallel Programming and Deep Learning.
Our instrutors​
All trainings are taught by Research Software Engineers and Data Scientist from the DSRI, in-house experts with in-depth technical skills, and extensive teaching experience. DSRI instructors are certified Carpentries Instructors, and members of the international Carpentries community.
Training materials​
All training materials are collaboratively developed with the research community and are freely available.
Upcoming training​
Do you want to get started with the DSRI? Contact us at dsri-support-l@maastrichtuniversity.nl to start preparing a training for your department.