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Run Argo workflows

Install in your project

Argo needs to be installed in your project, contact the DSRI team to request it.

Install the argo client

Argo 🦑 is a container native workflow engine for Kubernetes supporting both DAG and step based workflows.

Download and install the Argo client on your computer to start workflows on the DSRI.

On Ubuntu

sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/argo
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/argo

On MacOS

brew install argoproj/tap/argo

On Windows

Get Argo executable version 2.4.2 from Argo Releases on GitHub.

See official Argo documentation.

Test Argo

Run Hello world workflow to test if Argo has been properly installed. And take a look at the examples provided in Argo documentation to discover how to use the different features available.

argo submit --watch
Logged in

You will need to have the oc client installed and be logged in with oc login, see the install documentation page.

Install Argo in your project

Argo workflows with Helm

Deploy the Argo Helm chart.

  1. Install and use helm
  2. Add the Helm charts repository:
helm repo add argo
  1. Install chart:
helm install my-argo argo/argo --version 0.15.2

ArgoCD Operator

Ask on the DSRI Slack #helpdesk channel to have the ArgoCD Operator installed in your project.

Uninstall argo

On Ubuntu

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/argo

You can now reinstall a newer version of Argo.

Run workflows to convert structured data to RDF

We will use examples from the MaastrichtU-IDS/d2s-core project.

Clone the repository

git clone --recursive
cd d2s-project-template

Authenticate to the OpenShift cluster using oc login .

Workflow to convert XML files to RDF

argo submit d2s-core/argo/workflows/d2s-workflow-transform-xml.yaml \
-f support/config/config-transform-xml-drugbank.yml
Provide config files

Config files can be provided using the -f arguments, but are not necessary.

argo submit d2s-core/argo/workflows/d2s-workflow-transform-xml-dag.yaml \
-f support/config/config-transform-xml-drugbank.yml

Workflow to convert CSV files to RDF

  • Steps-based workflow for CSV files
argo submit d2s-core/argo/workflows/d2s-workflow-transform-csv.yaml \
-f support/config/config-transform-csv-stitch.yml
  • DAG workflow for CSV files
argo submit d2s-core/argo/workflows/d2s-workflow-transform-csv-dag.yaml \
-f support/config/config-transform-csv-stitch.yml
Solve issue

Try this to solve issue related to steps services IP: {{steps.nginx-server.pod-ip}}

Argo commands

List running Argo workflows

argo list

Stop a workflow

argo terminate my-workflow

This might not stop the workflow, in this case use:

argo delete my-workflow

Delete a workflow

argo delete my-workflow

Debug a workflow

Get into a container, to understand why it bugs, by creating a YAML with the command tail -f /dev/null to keep it hanging.

See the example in the d2s-argo-workflow repository:

kind: Workflow
generateName: test-devnull-argo-
entrypoint: execute-workflow

# Use existing volume
- name: workdir
claimName: pvc-mapr-projects-test-vincent

- name: execute-workflow
- - name: run-rdfunit
template: rdfunit

- name: rdfunit
image: umids/rdfunit:latest
command: [tail]
args: ["-f", "/dev/null"]
- name: workdir
mountPath: /data
subPath: dqa-workspace

Then start the workflow:

argo submit --serviceaccount argo tests/test-devnull-argo.yaml

And connect with the Shell (change the pod ID to your pod ID):

oc rsh test-devnull-argo-pod